About the Project
Drag de Satul Meu
“Drag de Satul meu” was implemented in 15 communities from 12 counties over 3 months (October - December 2019), during which time 16 cultural events took place to highlight the local cultural heritage, community involvement and children creativity.



Dear villages
„The project Drag de Satul meu awoken memories in the soul of the Vaideeni Valcea community, about yesterday’s people, the values and traditions of the "ungureni" people, who live far away, at the foot of the Căpățânii Mountains.” Miss Oana Burticioaia – Coordinator in Vaideeni Valcea
We build Motivation together
through Drag de Satul Meu
Drag de Satul Meu in Images
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Your help counts
With your donation, together with other people with beautiful souls, you contribute to a better world. From somewhere in a village, a child sends you a smile and a hug. Because you just raised the chances to an education for this kid.